The global road network comprises more than 64 million kilometres of roads; European countries account for about 7 million kilometres. It is the most extensive transport network.
Anticipation, a prerequisite for tomorrow’s performance. Road networks have a large number of heterogeneous roads and equipment with relatively long life spans. Maintaining them in good condition is therefore a budgetary and industrial challenge. Periods of chronic underinvestment are costly: the catching up of infrastructure substance takes several generations and the socio-economic consequences are high.
It is, therefore, a question of :
- evaluating the effects of the current budgetary framework in the medium and long term, to properly adjust public policies.
- prioritising the allocation of available resources according to the value produced by the infrastructure.
Should road users or worksite productivity be given priority? Road network managers are faced with a growing volume of road and bridge renewal work, resulting in an increase in the number of worksites to be organised on the roads. The distribution of capacity between these works and traffic requires complex technical and economic trade-offs.
Only a reliable projection of investment needs makes it possible to identify, in time, synergies between the renewal strategies of the families of works. These synergies make it possible to combine projects and thus to organise real leaps in performance while controlling costs.
Understanding and modelling
We design solutions that integrate the complexity, without complication, of your systems, whether it be technical, organisational or skill-based. We develop the asset management modelling and simulation platform: Eqylibr®.
Mobilising and capitalising on expertise
We enhance the expertise of your teams and perpetuate their business knowledge through digital models integrated into customised asset management tools (in the Office® suite for example) or market tools (CMMS, Eqylibr®, etc.).
Advise and transform
We provide transparent advice and create an environment conducive to the evolution of your organisation (change management) by passing on our know-how, making our digital tools available and implementing change management programmes.
From rail to road...
We have been working with national and international public transport networks for over 20 years.
The beginnings of IMDM’s activity date back to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL) and its transport laboratory. We are known for our audits of the state of national rail networks from which we have derived a method adapted to road infrastructures.
This method was applied, in particular, to the audit of the French national non-concession road network, carried out in 2018; after assessing the state of the infrastructure, we defined several investment trajectories and then evaluated the effects in terms of risks on the performance of the networks.
We carry out assignments for road network managers: optimisation of infrastructure and structure management strategies, safety management audits, support and training in asset management and ISO 55’000 certification audits.
Our life cycle models and digital asset management platform are used in these assignments. Our results are used in contract negotiations between infrastructure managers and the authorities that finance infrastructure.
We also support road network managers in improving their industrial asset management practices, according to the precepts of asset management (ISO 55’000).
Some references accompanied in the industry of road networks
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